Pawz & Clawz Petz

Kittens Now Available

The pictures below are sometimes one kitten from each litter so please contact us for information regarding  litter mates. Please  have thebreed and date of birth ready when you call so we can accurately answer your questions.Prices range from $199-$2099 depending on the breed.  All kittens have at least one distemper shot and one worming. Pictures appear first on our Facebook page. 

Click for store hours.

We do not offer payment plans because we've found that they usually have a higher interest rate than most credit cards and those that offer low or no interest require applicants to have extremely good credit. We figure if someone already has excellent credit, they probably have a low or no interest credit card. So, in most cases, it makes more sense to buy using a credit card you already have. This also eliminates a lengthy application process.

Store Hours

Monday – Closed

Tuesday – Sunday 11am-5pm